Fareway for Courses

More Profitable Operations

Work with us to identify and engage high-value golfers and build loyalty and retention.

How We Can Work Together

Host Virtual Tournaments

Attract high-value traffic and grow a loyal, golfer community by being a host course for Fareway Golf’s weekly contests.

Golfer Insights & Loyalty

Gain more insights into your golfers - not just when they play with you - to better understand preferences and how to serve them better. Leverage insights to drive revenue and margin for your business.

Host Virtual Tournaments

  • Fareway Golf contest participants are often the most engaged golfers in the community and love getting out and playing with their friends. By working with us to host contests at your location we can:

    • Drive consistent, high-value traffic

    • Increase loyalty of existing patrons and increase awareness for new potential customers

    • Build community and customer engagement

  • Hosting is simple. We take as much of the work off of you as possible.

    Our app manages the contest registration and tee time booking process. We will also make sure to manage the onboarding process and getting golfers set up and golfing when they arrive.

    We have three simple asks of you to partner in delivering the best experience possible for the golfer:

    • Work with us on a tee time booking flow that works well for you and dedicate tee time options for contests

    • Put up shop credit or gift cards as a part of the prize pool

    • Provide discounted rates and food and beverage promotions as we reach higher volumes of golfer traffic

    These asks will help us create value for the golfer while driving your business’s KPIs and growth through repeat customers over time.

  • In addition to making weekly contests a success at your location, we’re happy to also collaborate on the following:

    • Joint communications and marketing tactics to grow traffic

    • Special events and location-specific contests

Loyalty and Golfer Data Platform

  • We believe there is a important data problem facing operators across the country - their visibility into a golfer’s preference and behavior is limited to just what they can see. That would be like if you were a fast food chain, but could only leverage insights from one location.

    Our goal is to help golf courses offer the right loyalty products to the right golfers - maximizing the value to the golfer and profitability for the golf course.

Our Philosophy


It’s complicated enough running a golf course. We work with you to find simple solutions to streamline operations


Siloed solutions make things harder for everyone. We focus on connecting the data and technology you use so that you can get more out of it.

Win Together

We all want a healthy and thriving game. Let’s think big, innovate, and bring forward a new era of golf together.

Let’s Work Together